
Every time I seem to have
"one of those days"
it is followed by 2 or 3 really good days.
I love it.
I'll either have a conversation with someone,
Hear a song,
Or get a note from a friend.
I found the most amazing song
"I'd die for that"
by Kellie Coffey.
I had the most uplifting conversation with a women who has had a lot of trials.
She isn't a member of the church.
But the testimony she bore to me
about her love for God,
and how he gives her strength in her time of need.
She told me...
"I know that with God all things are possible... He is the reason we are here"
Which I've heard so many times... 
but for some reason it hit me the hardest this time around. 
It was so powerful!
I definitely needed that conversation.
I am grateful for this wonderful lady for the little reminder.
And yes,
I will be sending the missionaries her way.
As hard as life gets...
there is always that silver lining...
some where.
So today...
is a good day.
I hope yours is too.

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