
So my epic internal battle continues...
Its been bad.
I feel like I'm not getting enough sleep but going to bed friday night and then waking up thursday morning... I slept for like 16 hours.
I thought it would be great.
It just made me cranky.
So last night we went to bed at like 9:30
and I woke up at 5am not feeling good...
Took the hubs to work at 6am...
Came home and tried to go back to sleep for another hour...
that didn't work.
Instead I was AWAKE for the entire hour.
My head would NOT shut up.
I finally fell asleep...
And then my alarm went off 30 minutes later.
I was almost late for work.
Basically today is one big major epic fail.
2 weeks ago I started having some pressure in my lower abdomen,
I had an ultra-sound this past wednesday to try out what is going on...
Turns out I have a 4cm cyst on my remaining ovary.
my options were Birth Control or let it go away on its own.
I really don't want to be on bc... its really messes with me and I don't like it.
So we are just going to wait it out,
I have another ultra-sound on March 22nd to see if the cyst has gone down.
If it hasn't then we will go from there...
most likely surgery.
But, we'll see. Never a dull moment in my life.

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