
in case you were wondering...
I'm a vampire.
So blood suckers aren't real.
But someone asked me if I was one the other day.
and all because I told them that I stay up till ridiculous hours of the night.
time stamp at the moment...
I'm a night owl.
or vampire.
whichever you prefer.
But after doing some research...
"Several studies have shown that your sleep preferences are at least 50 percent genetic, and that your chronotype — that is, the time of day you are at your physical and mental peak — changes with your age. Generally speaking, "eveningness" peaks in the late teens and early 20s."
Don't ask me who said that...
cause i don't know.
But now its genetic.
which is cool.
Cause my grandma...
is a total night owl
Hurray for genetics!
And then theres that thing about it changing with age...
So does that mean when I'm 30 I will HATE staying up late?
or whatever.
For the record that is 7 years away.
What is even freakier than that is...
7 years ago... I was 16.
I remember being 16.
I remember my Sweet 16th Birthday Party.
I remember my first "legal" date.
16 was the start of some amazing things.
if that wasn't totally random.
I love staying up late its when I'm most creative.
but I hate staying up late because I can't sleep all day.
Its like I've got my days and night mixed up.
I seriously think I might have Chronic Insomnia.
causes of Chronic Insomnia are
*Depression and/or anxiety
*Chronic Stress
*Pain and/or Discomfort at night.
Welcome to my life.
I should probably see someone about all of that.
oh well.
I guess I better go try and sleep.


Unknown said...

You know I am older than 30 thanks. ew?? What's up with that! And even though I am ew, old, I still remember turning and being 16.
Now go get some sleep.

Marlee said...

hahaha... Bethany your not older than 30! Your 25! Remember!? :)