
So this week has been full of...
Okay not quite...
But its been on my mind.
My hubby's family does a theme for Christmas every year...
And this year the theme is...
"Its in our Genes"
Gary and I have already decided what we are going to do.
(and no I'm not telling... I'm not gonna ruin the surprise!)
I just have to get a move on!
I'm pretty impressed with myself actually.
I thought that the creative gene had skipped me...
To look at the things that my Gama and Mom do as far as crafts...
you'd be like
"Well what happened to her?"
So I've come to the conclusion that I will NOT let it skip me!
My Sister-in-law Brit is uber creative too!
And I figure...
Since it will be awhile since we will have babies
I should probably do something productive with my time instead of facebook all the time.
I've decided to turn the guest bedroom into my craft room.
I just have to get it cleaned out first.
Like unpack all those boxes.
Its a working progress.
----*change of thought*----
Today I got to catch up with an old friend.
Who I admire and look up too.
We sat and talked for hours about...
well everything.
Especially things as of late.
She can relate to the things that have happened to me regarding having children.
And helped me put a lot of things into perspective.
I mean...
I know I have talked to people about things that have gone on...
but I sometimes feel like they don't always quite understand.
I never once felt that way today.
I felt a great weight lifted off my shoulders.
I felt...
I am trying to get to a place where I can accept...
It may take a while...
But I'll get there.
I think I have already made some steps into that direction.
"Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen"
Thanks Moroni.
I will get there.
So thank you to my friend who has help lift that weight and get going in that direction.
I know most won't understand what I mean.
and thats okay.
But I do...
and I think thats what matters.
I'll keep ya updated on the crafts....
And I'll take pictures of the Christmas presents as they get finished.
But I won't post the picture till after they have been given

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