
So back in the day...
My grandma
(known to all her g-kids as Gama)
Got me this book about a horse named
"Misty of Chincoteague"
I want to say it was like a trilogy or something.
Because I remember reading about her foal too.
That started my LOVE for reading...
Every time I would go to South Carolina for a few weeks out of the summer
We would go to two places...
The Art Museum
(whole different post in itself)
And the BIG library in down town Columbia.
I Love reading.
I would check out so many books.
I just couldn't get enough...
So then over the years my love for books and reading grew 10 fold.
Then my bff, Courtney, introduced me to a author that I will love forever!
Marcia Lynn McClure.
You can find her books here.
They take me to a whole different world. I get so sucked into the stories that Marcia writes.
And, to top it off...
Marcia is a WONDERFUL lady!
She loves her fans and is so loving and down to earth.
I mean I don't exactly know her personally...
But I have spoken to her over the phone.
(Talk about best day ever!)
I would borrow Marcia books from Courtney and could read them in like a day in a half...
Depending on how quick I got sucked it.
My personal favorite...
well I can't even really say its my favorite...
well it is...
The one at the top of my list is...
Here, let me do this...
Here is my list in order...
1. Dusty Britches.
2. The Rogue Knight
3. Saphyre Snow
4.The Fragrance of her Name
5. Shackles of Honor
6. Love Me
7. The Highway man of Tanglewood
8. The Whispered Kiss
9. Kissing Cousins
10. Tide of the Mermaid Tears...
Kiss in the Dark....
A Better Reason to fall in Love...
Sweet Cherry Ray...
Day Dreams...
Born for Thortons Sake...
Okay... so there is A LOT...
and after Dusty... well there just isn't any real order.
And the all pretty much end with people making out...
but I'm A-OK with that
So all through my teenage years I would borrow the books Courtney had and read them with in a day or so...
But after she left to go on her mission...
I decided I should probably start my own collection.
I only have a few.
But I hope to get every book Marcia has written.
Because I can read them over and over and OVER AGAIN!
Thank you Marcia for these wonderful escapes
(is it bad I just thought of Dory from finding Nemo?)
("ES-SCAP-E! Hey! It's spelled just like Escape!")
Yet another...
I also got hook on the Twilight Saga.
Yep, I've read them all and have the movies.
I read 1,2 and 3 right before the 4th book came out.
And then I got the whole set for Christmas 2 years ago.
I do enjoy those as well.
So yes,
I'm a book worm.
And proud of it.
I can thank my Gama, Mom, Courtney, and Aunt Megan
They all have played a part in me becoming a bookworm.
Well... I'm off to read some more of
"Take a Walk with Me"
Courtney... Your the greatest.
Happy Reading everyone!!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

A good book is the best thing ever! I have finished 3 books just in the past few days! Mitch said to me last night "get your nose out of that book". He teases me, just so I'm aware that he is in the room, cause I can get so caught in the adventure I forget where I am, lol! One I try to read at this time of year is "two from Galilee", have you every read that one, if not you should, gama introduced me to it many years ago.